Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Ty Pennington Peddles Verizon, Sears and ADHD Meds

When I saw a cell phone commercial featuring Ty Pennington the other night, it hit me Pennington has become quite the pitchman. This particular spot had him hawking a Verizon Wireless mobile device and sporting a lovely Canadian Tuxedo!

Pennington has also replaced Bob Vila as Sears' go-to guy. He has his own line of products with the retailer and as is the star of their weekly reality and best-product-placement-ever show, Extreme Makeover Home Edition on ABC.

Ty also hawks some ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyper Activity Disorder) medicine in a spot that starts off with, "A lot of people don't realize it, but I have ADHD." I think anyone who has ever seen one of Ty's shows realizes the man has ADHD. He spends most of his time running around screaming at people through a megaphone.

So lookout world, the new metrosexual Bob Vila is on the prowl.


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