Wednesday, January 17, 2007

KFed Follows KFad Into Advertising

Brittney Spears' ex-husband and nickname encroacher Kevin Federline will star in a SuperBowl spot for Nationwide Mutual Insurance Co.

The 30-spot parodies Federline's sugar-momma seperation woes by illustrating a fall from dancing in rap videos with hot women to working at a fast food joint. All this to hammer home the point that "Life comes at you fast." Speaking of hammer, Nationwide also used Fabio and M.C. Hammer in previous spots to convey the same message.

TM Advertising in Dallas, TX is the agency behind the spot, which Nationwide says shows Federline's sense of humor. I think Federline didn't want to be broke like the Hammer and needed money after the departure of "his baby momma."

The guy is all over my territory. First he Bogarts my nickname. Now he's all up in my advertising.

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At 9:18 PM, Blogger Andy Woolard said...

AND he took your forearm tattoo.


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