Thursday, May 24, 2007

Cartel Gets Blogger Buzz for Band in a Bubble

Tonight, Cartel will go all John Travolta on us and lock themselves in a bubble. The Band in a Bubble will have their every move monitored online and broadcasted on MTV as they write and record their new album in a giant transparent bubble located in New York City. After 20 days, Cartel will emerge and perform their new tunes live on MTV.

Dr. Pepper and MTV are behind the event and they've even solicited bloggers to give it some love. So when they promised me a Cartel prize pack, I was more than happy to sell out for one of my favorite bands.

Seeking link love and blogger buzz is absolutely the right way to promote this. Because people like me, who love Cartel, will jump all over this.
I've seen them live and their drummer, Kevin Sanders, plays some slick SJC Custom Drums. So by hitting me up, these companies can authentically hype the event and, in turn, their brands.

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At 11:51 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

It's times like these when I love living in New York. Bands in Bubbles and David Blaine on Cranes... All the sights of life right out my front door!

And I can see the bubble from my office. Seriously.

At 10:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.


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